Theological Thoughts

If I am being completely honest, my thoughts in the past year have revolved around my turning 30. Those of you older than me, think my life is just starting, those of you who are younger, agree with me and think I’m old! Or not! The truth is, I simply feel like I am beginning to view life more seriously. Now some of you think I don’t need to get MORE serious, and some of you think GOOD, she needs to get serious. Well, whichever side of the line you fall on, I assure you it is a good thing! Perhaps I do not mean that I’m getting more serious, but that I’ve begun to look at the world around me with a more eternal perspective. In this way my thoughts have become more theologically focused.

In November I had the chance to teach women a seminar I titled “Transforming my Meology with Theology”. This thought keeps coming up in conversation and in my thought life. Do I truly live as though I am being transformed by my theology, my understanding of, study of or my Knowing God? Who He is should transform who I am. While I know this in my head, I often forget to focus my heart on it and live from there. I don’t want to shy away from theology I want to understand it more fully. Being  a woman who is transformed by my God is my goal for 2015 and beyond. I desire to look less like Nicole and more like Christ every day, not because of how hard I strive toward perfection but because my eyes are focused on Him, and my heart is surrendered. I hope that in my 30s I tend less toward the perfectionist Nicole and more toward the submitted disciple. It is my desire to realize that I am unable to make myself like Him but I am able to spend time with Him, and hopefully because of that time, I look more like Him. So here’s to striving less and to surrendering more.

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